the oh-so lovely selena and spring

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Yay! It's finally Spring here in Australia and I can happily say the weather has been just beautiful, improving since my dreary post about rain, rain rain. And also, happy fall for the lovely people in the northern hemisphere! Enjoy the Winter goodness that is coming your way! As for me, I'm planning to take advantage of this fabulous vitamin D to improve my somewhat white complexion. More sun means pretty sundresses, floral collections, beach trips, ice-cream and lazy days reading magazines and sipping ice tea. I'm getting excited just thinking about it!

I'm also finally getting over the dreadful flu and to lift my spirits I did a pre-Spring clean a few days ago -- I can't believe how much junk has harbored in my room the last few months! Oh well, a lot of it is now on its way to the Salvation Army; as they say, another persons' junk is anothers' treasure.

And onto the lovely snapshots of Selena Gomez. I absolutely love this editorial for Elle Mexico. She looks so classy and grow-up, ready to pursue her career in acting and singing. I particularly like the first shot, with those gorgeous flare pink trousers, she makes it look so easy to pull off! I, on the other hand, have attempted flare pants in a chain store before and they aren't the easiest fashion trend to follow. Well, enjoy the weather (wherever you happen to be reading this) as I am off to tackle another assignment along with some fruit salad. Happy Thursday!


Estella said...

love these pics!! she's so different than usually!!

Ahka Vintage said...

I'm not a fan of Selena usually but these pictures are gorgeous! I just did a massive spring clean on Monday and feel so much more refreshed now! Keep up the good work sweetie! Great posts!
Tikkitiboo + Ahka Vintage
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Roser Lou said...

Wowwww!! I didn't recognize her!!!! So cool!!! and also so tall in these pics!!! AMAZINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!

Besossssssssss from BARCELONA!

robin sue said...

she's gorgeous, lovely photographs!

Chyrel Gomez said...

she looks so tall in he first photo and i love her trousers.

Grace said...

Glad the weather turned nice!
Have a lovely Spring there in Australia ;)

Classy said...

selena :)

Anonymous said...

Those trousers are amazing!

Anonymous said...

she is so beautiful!!!
check out my blog and follow each other. let me know?

sweet and sugars,

Anonymous said...

of course :) following you back :)

indonesiatooverseas said...

have a sweet spring, Australia!

The Semi Sweet said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog:) It means a lot! And your blog is quite lovely too!! I would've never guessed that was Selena Gomez at first. She looks grown up! Enjoy your coming spring as I enjoy my coming fall!!

Anonymous said...

those trousers are amazing.. looks rally pretty! love it!


Anonymous said...

gorgeous blog!


Helena said...

Here in Portugal it's Autum.
I love her pictures and your blog is amazing!

Madame Moda Lisa said...

Your bohemismos are coming ;). I've just writte an e-mail with the details.

Jo said...

She does look great!

Love the blog, following!

jo from

Catherine said...

I was so pleasantly surprised by this photoshoot. I don't know much about Selena Gomez, but I always associated her with young Disney stars... In this, however, she looks SO mature and gorgeous. Very beautiful. Also, I love how a lot of the brands are very "accessible" (like ASOS). She looks stunning! said...

I feel kinda stupid, I totally forgot about the hemishpere difference. hehe. That's so cool it's Spring there and yep, we are all getting ready for Fashion week in the US. This post is so cute and I totally agree with you about this Elle Mexico editorial. Selena looks amazing, I really like her outfit in that first pic. So chic


Desirae said...

She's so stunning! I love Selena!

Natasha - Style Du Jour said...

She look stunning and different in these photos!...i am a new follower, love your blog!Check mine out too when u get a chance!