I know, I know, I said this post would be up well and truly on Sunday but things were a little hectic over the weekend and not only did I put off studying for my finals this week in order to get in more family time, I also completely forgot about posting! In between sipping coffee at cafes I really can't afford to be regularly attending, listening to Father John Misty (the title of this posts is one of my favourite songs from him - listen to the Spotify sessions version too, absolutely brilliant) in hopes of mellowing out the crazy vibes during SWOTVAC and experimenting with my appearance (see here), I've had a pretty good run over the last few weeks. I'm still over the moon and deliriously happy about obtaining my driver's license and it's come in handy very much over the last few weeks for running errands/ driving my room-mates places. Finals are going as well as can be expected from someone who has pretty poor time management and is (in general) a little bit over the semester. I am proud of myself for how things have gone this term though, I handed in an assignment I busted my butt working on and am really keen to get the results back! Current mood? Tired... a little bit stressed (two more exams to go), but quite content. I bought a nice top today to wear to my roomie's engagement party and I have eaten dinner and am currently sipping a rooibos. Plus, I am wearing some of my favourite pyjamas and sitting in a tidy, air-conditioned house (I love our little home!). I simply cannot complain!
I took these photos on Saturday afternoon with little Tess (my trusty and loyal photographer). We are both loving (okay, maybe just me... I basically had to drag her out of the house to take these photos...) the diffused light Summer brings at a quarter to six and the way it filters through the trees. This top I bought a few months ago during H&M's peek winter period of lace, layers and darker hues. I like it as a transitional piece, especially with this white skirt I pinched from Jo's wardrobe. Having sisters is great - endless wardrobe possibilities!