leather, tan and floral charm

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I really love this leather satchel I found in the bottom of my mother's wardrobe. It goes so nicely with light, florally outfits and it fits everything! I really like this outfit as well, the white dress was hitched up to a flowy top and the bottom was covered by the long blue skirt my sister made. I've been super-busy lately, exams have started, assignments are piling up and I haven't been blogging as much (for me). I'm sorry! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far!
p.s: sorry for the mix-up in your blogger feed. Blogger is playing up with my posts!


Lippylash said...

That bag is gorgeous!

Emily said...

Good luck with your exams!
You look beautiful, the bag is perfect

Love, Emily

Sara SHOEmaker said...

ohhhhhhhhhh my goodness i LOVE your style! we have Very very similar taste in a lot of things I can tell already. I'm your latest follower! I would love if you checked out my blog :) I'm almost always wearing florals as well. I looked through a lot of your old posts and I love it all! (sorry for the novel haha)

House of Shoes

Michelle said...

Hi Maria, your blog is really really cool! I just love it and I'm following! What amazing bag! I'd love if you visit me and follow mine too. It's so exciting meet and know about new people around the world.

Michelle Duarte fashion designer from Brazil.


Haze said...

ohhh that satchel is amazing!! and nice gloves



Michelle's Style File said...

Your satchel is perfect- how wonderful.


Tasha said...

You've totally motivated me to pull up my own leather satchel and blog on it. Beautiful post!

Hope you can visit soon!

X the St.Udio

Unknown said...

Hi! lovely outfit!! :)
nice blog!! i follow you now!
Would you come in mine and follow me?i'd be very happy!

ThePinkMargarita ♚ said...

you look so cute :) love that you wore gloves. it added a chic feel to this ensemble. love the satchel as well. take care!

by the way, if it won't take so much of your time, i need your help. please visit my blog for more details. thank you!

much love,

Karen said...

Such a lovely outfit - so dainty and feminine!! And your bag is fantastic!!

Love your blog!! Following!



Unknown said...

so ladylike! i love it! <3 EverRubyGirl.blogspot.com

Sophie said...

I love the satchel too, I wish my mum had stuff like that :(


Jes said...

great blog! love the pictures, stop by my blog if you have time


JanandJill.com said...

that satchel is so cute. You look very pretty too and I like your gloves. Nice post


Lisa Lockhart said...

Such great style. very pretty and chic!


Pieter said...

What a great bag! x


Anonymous said...

Such a lovely satchel! My mum used to have so much stuff like this until she had a clear out and gave it all away (cries).
You are so gorgeous, I love that outfit!
Rebecca x

Caroline said...

Great satchel. What an amazing find :)