spring fever

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
modcloth wishlist
So sorry for the lack of posts lately! I have been very busy with homework, an intriguing novel I just can't put down and my first ballet lesson! As for the homework, we are analysing every single chapter in a novel we are reading in class. It's very time consuming but hopefully it will all pay off when I ace the exam in a few weeks. The book I'm reading at home (for my own personal enjoyment) is an old favorite I hadn't read in a while. Holly's Heart by Beverly Lewis. I honestly cannot put it down, the author has an amazing writing style and a knack for creating interesting plot lines. Izzy Rose did an amazing book review about Holly's Heart on Baja Greenawalt's book blog. Check it out here.
Anyway, I started my first ballet class on Monday! Apart from being very sore after all the intense stretching, it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again. I hope to get a lovely leotard, skirt and slipper on the weekend. Do you think they have floral?

I'm oh-so excited about Spring! It's so close now, only 21 days to go! I have been updating my wardrobe bit by bit. As I mentioned in my last post I've collected a few lovely pieces that will be perfect for the beautiful Spring weather. And as for the lovely people overseas who are just entering Autumn, I hope you enjoy it! Some lovely Winter clothes are coming out at Modcloth and Topshop. As for my collage, it's all Modcloth. I couldn't resist! They have the most charming floral frocks and shoes. Hopefully I can save up some money to snag some cute wedges.

I also wanted to feature Mayo in my blog for the first time. Her endless wardrobe never fails to impress me, I love her outfits! They are always too cute and she pulls off the 'socks and heels' trend perfectly! These three outfits are by far my favorite. Check out her ah-mazing blog.
P.s: Any idea of what I could do for a giveaway? I'm stuck and I need some suggestions. I want to hold one soon for my awesome readers! The comments you leave are so kind! xx
p.s: Looking to update for Spring? Frankie Sunshine is holding a marvellous giveaway to spend $200 at her e-boutique!


Grace said...

Oh I love that first dress!
Wow, ballet! :D

Isabella said...

Lovely Polyvore, so much floral (your absolute favourite) inspiration for spring! Ah, Mayo is amazing! Can't wait to wear heels like the ones in the picture furthest right. Adorable post (thanks for featuring me), pizzant! X

f i o n a (miss.tea) said...

ah you do ballet now? that's so awesome! i don't know if they have floral because the only leotards i ever wore when i did ballet were black.. so boring i know! xx misstea & co.

Lippylash said...

Love everything! Good luck with the homework!

Fashionistable said...

21 days to your Spring....oh does that mean it is 21 days until our Autumn starts? Boohoo for us. Nice blog. Love your boater in the previous post. Xxxx

Sara C. said...

Thanks for following. Sure i'm following back
Have a great day
Sara C.

Paulina Mo, lilbitsofchic.com said...

Cute outfits :) stay dedicated to your studies you are going to do great :)


Madame Moda Lisa said...

Thank you very much for your comment!
It has made me really, really happy :).
You have a lovely blog! I follow you ^^.

In order to your giveaway, "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse" ;). I've a little shop in Etsy (http://www.etsy.com/shop/bohemismo). I could send you any item and you could draw it in your blog. What do you think?
Please, writte me to bohemismo@gmail.com and we will talk about the details :).

Anonymous said...

I love spring! Cant wait to pull out the dainty dresses!

Lots of love from Sydney,

x Kel

talking closet camaraderie

ninam said...

Thanks so much for your very sweet comment :)
I love your blog! I really enjoyed reading it just now. I follow you on Blogger and Bloglovin'.
You're very lucky to be almost entering Spring! It gets so cold in a few months here in Canada...
Cute clothes! The socks and sandals look is something I'm still trying to pull of haha.


Ahka Vintage said...

YAY for spring! I always wanted to learn ballet - its so graceful and ladylike!

Tikkitiboo + Ahka Vintage
Enter our $200 Giveaway Here!

Desirae said...

I love those dresses! The post card clutch is beyond adorable! I started ballet in January, and have fallen head over heels in love with it!


Kim L said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! I really appreciate it. :)

I absolutely adore Mayo!! :) her style is so pretty.
So is your lovely blog. I followed you.


accidental encounters

Plami said...

You pit great sets together! Love the dresses and the clutches :)))) And the blog you recommend is one of my favorites! She always looks so girly and beautiful!



Em said...

Lovely dresses!


Natalie Leung said...

very sweet posts, its so tomantic looking the dresses you've chosen.

and mayo is great, i lvoe her~


EmilieH. said...

I love the Polyvore :) Enjoy ballet, it's awesome (: As for me it's nearly autumn :/ Spring is my favourite season!
Emilie xx

Anonymous said...

That peter-pan collar dress on the montage is so lovely! It's funny to think you are going into Spring as it's just getting colder over here in England!
Good luck with your ballet lessons & all your work :)
Rebecca x

Anonymous said...

Love it! I need to try the socks and heels trend.

Unknown said...

you have such amazing taste!! <3 www.rubygirlblog.com