
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Forever New chambray blouse, Thrifted denim skirt, Rubi t-strap shoes, bag c/o Oasap, Forever New belt

It's October already! That's taken a while to sink in. So have a lot of things to be honest. In about four months I'll be getting my driver's license; in about a month (and a half) I'll have finished my tenth year of schooling (with only two to go); and we are almost finished 2012! It feels as though it was only yesterday I was compiling my resolutions for this year. I looked back on them this afternoon and I have nearly accomplished all of them without even realising it! I've gotten a job, improved my organisational skills, built up my thrifted/vintage collection quite a lot (mainly in the last few months) and am (currently) saving for a DSLR. I've also matured a lot more ... both physically and emotionally. I think I worry considerably less, have developed a much stronger shell and my independence has thrived. 

Anyway, before I waffle on further (I'm meant to be saving a post like this for the end of the year!), these photos were taken yesterday; it was quite a hazy afternoon. After taking a few pictures, my sister's and  collected a few pine cones for decorating and painting. There's a really amazing forest up past my house and it has the most Christmas-y atmosphere. I love it! Speaking of festivities; Halloween is coming up! We Australian's are pretty pathetic celebrators but I intend to make this year the best with the help of Izzy. We are going to have our annual Halloween sleepover complete with er, scary (when I say scary, I mean Harry Potter because that's all she can handle) movies, hanging ghosts and candy. 

How have you'll been? What are your plans for Halloween? Have you achieved what you've wanted this year? Tell me about some exciting things that have happened to you so far this year ♥ 

Currently listening to: Spiritus by Lisa Mitchell


Clara Cheng said...

This year has been normal to me so far, no major changes. But I'm gonna start my formal job soon, well, I guess. Still waiting for the interviews to come :) Your photos are beautiful, your style, too <3


Unknown said...

That's so lovely!

Rachel, Cold Knees said...

this year is just speeding past! Lovely outfit as per :) I'm not sure I've achieved all I wanted quite yet, I better get to it! xx

Anonymous said...

Such a great post! Ho exciting that you've got everything done early! I didn't even set any resolutions... I never have, I feel if I make goals, I never achieve them, or it seems to take ages!! Not setting goals makes things seem like more of a surprise as well!! I am however in my twenties and working full time... so maybe I should have set some goals when I was younger!! hahaha ohh well!! :)

I've got a GIVE AWAY happening at WWW.YOUNGONEHUNTING.COM !!!! yaysies!!

It's open world wide so anyone can enter!! It's a pretty statement necklace from Sportsgirl.
Here's the link, hope you enter and good luck!!
Xx Linda Chai


Lindsey Louise Bales said...

i love your denim skirt here! lovely post, it's crazy this year has gone by so far. i say that i've achieved a lot of what i wanted to get done this year. yay.

lindsey louise


fashionisam said...

You look amazing!
I recently found your blog and you are already on of my favourites!
Love your blog :)


Katie Burry said...

You look so pretty! <3 This skirt is lovely and your bag is gorgeous too!

Congrats on finishing your resolutions! Getting stuff done is the best feeling ever. <3

Katie Burry said...

P.S. And yes, you are very mature for your age - a whole lot more mature than I was at that age, that's for sure! ;D


your outfit looks fresshhhh suit with the scenery!

Unknown said...

I really love this outfit! Your skirt is lush


Rosie Savage said...

I definitely want to do something for Halloween... I just don't know what!
And I love your flower crown and shoes,

Rosie x

Katie Frank said...

oh it seems like you have so much sun! i'm really jealous <3 i totally loving your beautiful bag, head band and beautiful top <3

Anonymous said...

That headband is so cute and I lovelovelove your banner<3 Did you design it yourself?
Astrid from http://theweeklystyler.com

claire said...

you're getting your license soon?! congrats! your L's or P's? my friend told me you aussies have to get 120 hours haha that's crazy! also I love your floral crown and your shoes are adorable!! xxx

Qué Acierto! said...

I adore denim skirts and so romantic looks . Brilliant.

Chyrel Gomez said...

What are you wearing for Halloween? I love the head piece and so good to know you've accomplished your New Year's list!

Love the photos and outfit, as per usual.

Georgia said...

Congratulations on all your accomplishments, hasn't the year flown by? I have to say that you write so beautifully. Your posts and pictures are so dreamy, and so inspiring to read. Looking forward to the next post, and stunning outfit, as usual!
Georgia x

A Cup Of Us said...
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A Cup Of Us said...

I love your outfit so much! It suits you, and you always find the best stuff at thrift shops! Love Xanthe and Lara,

P.s. We are new to blogging please check us out- http://acupofus.blogspot.com.au/

Danny said...

This is so lovely! Your style is amazing, I'm so captivated!

Anonymous said...

Very informative post. Thanks for taking the time to share your view with us.

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