Abbey Lee Kerhsaw for Portmans

Monday, February 07, 2011

Okay, so I probably have overly-stated the fact that I LOVE Abbey Lee Kershaw. Now the Melbourne-born supermodel is the new face of Portmans! A really classy chain-store with girly chic clothes inspired by the runway. I shall be dashing into the nearest Portmans for a lookie and no time!


Lauren Noelle Rice said...

Thankyou for your comment. Your blog is gorgeous, I love all the pictures, I will be saving some of these! following too! xo

Maria said...

Thankyou! Your blog is gorgeous too, thnkas for following! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your sweet comments :)
I love Abbey Lee Kershaw too! She's unbelievably beautiful, especially in that picture on your side bar x

Lauren Noelle Rice said...

thats wierd, that happened a few times actually. i unfollowed you and now am re following you so hopefully it will show up now!

Maria said...

Lilly- Okay, blogger has been acting up lately for me aswell. Thanks for following! :)
Rebecca- I love Abbey Lee so much! She is the best model ever. Thanks for following my blog! :)

Michelle Lee said...

love her looks all the time :)

EmilieH. said...

She's so pretty ... She's on Versace now :) x