hopeless romantic

Thursday, May 12, 2011

So, its's quite obvious that Blogger went crazy! Apparently I posted this last night instead of 2 days ago! Anyway, Anne of Green Gables, Pride and Prejudice and Little Women are some of my favourite romance stories of all time. I have seen the movies for all of them and love each to death. Jane Austen was always the women who knew the many rules and aspects of love, Louisa May Alcott was the emotive writer and L.M Montgomery was the all rounder who knew so much about everything. Each story has amazing structure and the cosiness and fuzzy feeling that comes with each one is perfect for cold, wintry nights -- all you need is hot chocolate! Overall, its the hardest decision ever to choose which boy I like the best... but don't worry ladies, some day you will find your Mr Darcey, Gilbert Blythe or Laurie Lawrence!


Elyse (Give Me Bows) said...

Ohhh I am a massive fan of romance novels, love them haha! Have you read 'The Bronze Horseman'? It's relatively new (not an old classic) but it is my favourite romance novel to date - but very sad too! have lots of tissues on hand. xxx

Ally said...

I love romance novels too, i have always loved Pride and Prejudice the movie with Keira Knightly was equally amazing.

Maria said...

PP: Its sounds wonderful! I shall look into it :)
Ally: I looooove that one, Keira Knightley was perfect for Elizabeth's character!

fashioneggpplant said...

my mom gave me the little women novel when i was 9, i've loved it eversince :)

Unknown said...

little women is one of my favorite stories.. I've seen the movie endless times and never get tired of it.. it's magical.. recently I wrote a post about it, actually a scene I felt familiar with...
great choices of romance movies.. another one I adore too and as well know almost every dialogue is Sense and sensibility with kate winslet, hugh grant, emma thompson... jane austen is one of my favorite authors...
take care!

Paulina Mo, lilbitsofchic.com said...

Pride and Prejudice is my fave... have you seen that movie about Jane Austen played by Anne Hathaway? I can't remember the name, but it was a tear-jerker because Jane's life was so similar to that of what she wrote in her books.


Ivy said...

I really love Pride & prejucie ;) and Mr.Darcy :** ;)

Elizabeth said...

Ohh I adore ALL these books and movies so much! Have you seen the new Jane Eyre movie? It's supposed to be good!

Sara SHOEmaker said...

oh my heavens above. Are you a mind reader? You should get out of my head because these are my FAVORITE movies! well, some on a long long list. But I have literally been CRAVING little women for a month now. I love the snuggle up to a soft blanket by a fire feeling I get from little women! we are officially best friends.

House of Shoes

Sara SHOEmaker said...

oh and I loved the new pride and prejudice so very much that I learned all the piano music from it! the song Dawn is my favorite & I could play it in my sleep I love it so much. <3

House of Shoes

Unknown said...

great post!those movies are all on my top list! :) and yeah, blogger was crazy for the last day and a half :(i am having a very cute giveaway, so check out my blog for some +vibes & happiness! XOx

Coralie said...

So beautiful photos

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Strawberry Freckleface said...

Ahh forgot about this wonderful movie. Time to go find it and watch it. xo

I have a buffalo tooth necklace give-away goin on, if you're interested.
strawberry freckleface

Oh my Dior! said...

the inspiration of your blog is so beautiful! I am following you now!! please follow back :)


Pieter said...

Great pictures!
I love the third one :)
Great background by the way x


traci lavois said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traci lavois said...

thank you thank you for the little women post. i commented earlier but had some issues. *shakes fist angrily at blogger*

this brings back so many memories.
lovely blog. lovely post. keep it coming my fellow bloggess.

-traci lavois [of the foxes]

Love Joice said...

Hello there! i just came across your blog and loved it! you have a great blog! I love your style, please check out my blog and follow if you like it, I promise to do the same for you!
here's my blog www.lovejoice.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Little Women is and always will be my all-time favourite movie! And of course, Jane Austen based movies are all pretty great too :) Love your blog, glad I found it! I'm a new follower. check me out too and follow if you like :)


Laura said...

Three of my favorite movies and books I LOVE them so MUCH!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

these are definitely some of my favourites!
