kristy for velour

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is this editorial not the most charming thing you've ever seen? Featuring the stunning Kristy Kaurova in romantic florals, gingham frocks and quirky shoes. This spread is so ideal for Spring inspiration. Lately, I've been browsing the net non-stop to find ideas for updating my spring wardrobe. I love this flirty gingham dress Kristy wears so well. Usually it's hard to wear gingham without looking like a tablecloth in an Italian restaurant, but this dress seems to be the exception. 

I went shopping briefly on Sunday with my lovely best friend. We went into all the usual teeny-clad chain stores just to chew up some time,  not expecting to be impressed. Although, in stores such as Valleygirl, we were surprised with the amount of approvable floral frocks and floaty, gathered skirts. We then ventured into the cinema to watch Jane Eyre and weren't surprised by the audience which was approximately 98.3% little old ladies. The film was eerie and mysterious with dramatic characters and a heart-breaking romance between Jane and Edward Rochester. Even though they do end up together in the end (sorry for spoiling it!) I still couldn't help shedding a tear at the story in general.By the way, thanks so much to everyone for all the wonderful feedback I have received over the last few posts! It's truly fabulous and the comments are always so uplifting! I'm sorry for being M.I.A the passed few days as well. I have been drowning in homework and  practising for my new-found obsession/ hobby (ballet). Have a lovely week!


dahhlayne said...

Aww, you're doing ballet now? How wonderful! When I was 7, I had the choice of either picking up piano or ballet. It's crazy to think that if I had chosen ballet, I probably would not be a music major right now. Insane. I still wish I danced though. The only dancing I've done is hula, but it was pretty mediocre.

Grace said...

These pictures are stunning, I especially love the first one! The dress is so pretty (:

Rachel, Cold Knees said...

I love that first image- looks like a beautiful editorial. I really want to see Jane Eyre! Ballet, what a lovely hobby :) xx

xx said...

Awe, I used to love doing ballet! Such a lovely pastime, and that gingham dress is absolutely wonderful.


i love the atmosphere in your blog!yes,it's totally romantic!like the printed dress!xxx

Unknown said...

I want to see Jane Eyre - I saw the older one (I'm not sure if it was a tv adaptation or not) and liked it, so I thought this one would be worth a watch. Ballet sounds like a lovely little hobby, and that editorial is gorgeous.


Paula said...

I think i love your blog. You have a lot of inspiration here!

Paula said...

Aw Maria you are lovely. Of course I would like to follow each other! I am following you right now.

Lace and Tulle said...

I love that first dress!! so lovely!

Petitebine said...

Such a beautiful post! Love the first dress. Nice blog as well :)
Have a great day.

xoxo Robine @

ps said...

soo beautiful

Anonymous said...

I love your blog - I'm your newest follower. What a great photo.


Laura Bray said...

Love that top dress, it's right up my alley. Very vintage, girly and classic.

-Laura xox

Gabrielle - I LIKE IT FAST said...

So darling! Love it

V.V. said...

you have a lovely blog!!!!


Caroline Robianto said...

i love this editorial!

Olivia said...

The images are so beautiful and girly.
Jane Eyre is one of my fav heros of ficition and I thought the film did her justice. I loved the dark undertone of Mr. Rochester and I thought both leads gave terrific performances.

Liv @

Em said...

Beautiful editorial!

Camii Palta A.- said...

I love the first photo... so girly and even that so sexy too :)
take care!

Desirae said...

Both of those outfits are just darling! I hope to be able to see the movie soon as well! I'm glad to hear the good review :)