
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
 Handmade dress from Podie Pie, Kmart shoes, thrifted bag, bracelet from my Mum, Sportsgirl hat

Hello! It's been such a long time since I've posted and I'm really sorry - I knew that blogging absenses would be regular now that I'm in year 12 and my academia is kinda the most important aspect of my life, but I didn't realise it would cause regular week long hiatuses! In today's long awaited post I'm wearing the beautiful dress I never really got a chance to talk about. I bought it for a wedding in April and it's been one of my favourite dresses ever since. It's such a beautiful, classic fit and there's something so calming and serene about light blue. I'm reading The Notebook at the moment and this outfit reminded me a lot of Allie's blue outfit when she goes to see Noah. Although it was a little chilly wearing only this dress (it is Winter after all), it's still perfect for warmer days at the market and things like that. After Friday I am officially on holidays and I cannot wait to be blogging a lot more often with some lovely new clothes that will be arriving over the next few days for review/ styling. 

During the holidays I'm hoping to read lots of fantastic books, give my room a few more decor updates (I've been looking at the pillows from Simons lately, they're are so darn cute!), hang out with my friends as much as I can and most importantly, relax. It's been a very busy term (an awesome one!), but I'm absolutely exhausted. I hope you're having an excellent week so far, and I'll be back soon xo


Anonymous said...

This dress is so cute, i love dots!

Lauren said...

It really does look like you could have stepped right out of the screen of The Notebook - gorgeous dress and love the styling :)
Love your makeup here too - so simple and beautiful!

Lauren xx

Miranda said...

So cute! That is a lovely dress! It is a very calming light blue, and it's beautiful with your eyes.


Sampada said...

Love this look! You look so sweet :)
I've been trying to get on with reading ever since holidays started but the Internet is too distracting!

Simona said...

You are so sweet Maria and this baby blue color suits you perfectly ♥

Desirae said...

Such a pretty dress! The color and the polka dots are just so perfect together! Also, I haven't read The Notebook, I've only seen the movie, but it just never gets old.

Harlow Darling said...

You have a smile that lights up a room, so so beautiful. Looking at these photos is giving me some serious hair envy and making me want to grow mine out again!

Unknown said...

That dress looks absolutely wonderful on you Maria!! Like positively stunning! And the Notebook is lovely, isn't it?