1. Spare bag strap. My bag is by Peeptoe and it came with an alternative strap which has been very useful, especially when I've taken this bag out with me shopping or to the city. The chain strap is beautiful but it can be very uncomfortable after a while so I like to switch it up every now and again // 2. Body Shop All-in-One powder compact is the perfect size for a handbag and is ideal for touch-ups throughout the day // 3. Iphone! Definitely gonna need that... (mine's a little beaten up as you can see!) // 4. Eyebrow pencil for ya know... fixing up those stubborn ole' brows // 5. Hurraw! lipbalm is incredible and I love it // 6. Cherry blossom perfume for the Body Shop, smells lovely and is a nice, convenient size // 7. My wallet is by Olga Berg I think. It's quite a good size and fits all of my receipts and cards and things however I need to buy a new wallet soon - this one is starting to show signs of wear! //
8. A notebook or journal. If I'm travelling (on a bus especially), it can be so nice to just sit and write whilst listening to music. I always like keeping something to write things in with me all the time // 9. A pocket purse for my important cards and coins // 10. Snack food! // 11. Pain killers - headaches or car-sickness episodes are pretty unpredictable so it's always nice to have it on hand // 12. Earphones - to block out the noise on the bus, car or train and relax a little // 13. My 2014 planner or diary. Super handy for making appointments, checking dates and schedules etc. //
P.S: I usually also have a water bottle and a pen in my bag, but they're not pictured. What's in your bag? Do you like travelling light or are you a fan of having all the essentials? Anyway, I'm off to do a solid school work session. I'm home sick today with horrid back pain and cramps. I've relaxed a little this morning so I'm ready to charge through some English, History and SOR. Wish me luck! xo