fragrances by vera

Monday, July 18, 2011
Leighton Meester poses on a balcony in NYC for the Lovestruck campaign. 
Doesn't Leighton look oh-so-lovely in the ad campaign for Vera Wang's latest fragrance? I absolutely adore that tulle burgundy dress and the Romeo and Juliet inspired setting. "Lovestruck ... the name of my brand new fragrance…All about being overwhelmed, inexplicably, hopelessly in love. Allowing yourself to feel passion inspite of yourself, the situation, the repercussions. A new definition of Romeo and Juliet! Sexy, sensual, and unstoppable!" quotes Vera Wang. With a pretty tulle bow wrapped around the neck of the bottle, it's hard not to be tempted for a whiff. With a florally, fresh smell and a base of romantic woody notes it's sure to be a popular fragrance. Its will be available in the US in August and hopefully in Australia soon! 

Speaking of Vera Wang's amazing creations, I also love the perfume Princess; available in four variations: Preppy Princess, Rock Princess, Flower Princess and Glam Princess. Although the bottles for each don't generally appeal to older women, they still have a special scent and could suit various ages from 13-25. Zoe Kravitz looks stunning in the campaign where she is lying on a magnificent bed of tulle and silk. 

I have been super bored lately, school hasn't been all that crazy and my friends and I spent most of todays art lesson looking through trashy celebrity magazines that fill your brain with mush. We are creating collages that contain a significant message. I want mine to have something to do with fashion, Dior or pink. Got an ideas?
And p.s, I apologize for the lack of excitement in my posts of late. My brain has been dead-pan lately and I've tried every magazine I could find for some exciting inspiration... hopefully it's all goes up hill from here. I mean, every blog has it's dead days/weeks at some point in time, right?

I hope the start of your week has been frivolous and fabulous! xx


Grace said...

These look great! You made me want to smell their perfume :)
And I totally understand how you feel, because I'm super bored too. My blog has a dead day today :|

Lacey said...

Leighton is beautiful as always. I've never Loved any of the Vera Wang fragrances but I still get excited when a new scent comes out just in case it's amazing.

Dilan Dilir said...

I want the "rock princess" one.. :)

Mónica C. Welton said...

I would love to try those!


VictoriasProcrastinationProject said...

Ohh I saw this advert today in a perfume shop window display! I love Leighton Meester so much!

dahhlayne said...

Oh don't worry about your dead days, I still love reading your blogs especially about different aspects in the fashion world. :)

Angelina. said...

oooh u're so cute (: thank you for follow me (:
your blog is so lovely and yes i'm your newest follower xx

Michelle's Style File said...

Beautiful campaign! Hope school gets a bit more exciting for you : )


Unknown said...

I love the campaign of the Vera Wang latest fragrance! And Leighton Meester is always beautiful and that purple dress is so amazing!

xx Elle from

J said...

like it! :)

If you want, follow me and I'll follow you back. :)

Ania said...

I would try the glam princess one ;D

Sassy said...

I love Leighton :D.
Follow each other?

Sassy said...

Thanks. Your comment is so sweet :). I'm following you too :D

Gabrielle - I LIKE IT FAST said...

I'm a hugeeee fan of hers

Madeleine Roberts said...

I agree Leighton looks stunning. I have never actually tried a Vera Wang fragrance. Like you mentioned, I always felt the packaging felt to youthful for me. But perhaps I will sniff out the new "Lovestruck" scent.

AGAM said...

Nice blog!! Enjoyed reading your posts. pls do visit my blog as well, its a personal style blog, if it interests..pls do follow!! I shall be happy to do the same :)

Anonymous said...

I love this advert & love Leighton Meester! It inspired me to watch loads of GG!
Rebecca x

Anonymous said...

The way the bottle looks for the rock princess actually makes me want to ware perfume all the time!Thanks for opening my eyes haha, from Maddy Briggs
ps your blog looks so cool, it totally describes you!!!

Carlinn said...

I want lovestruck! It looks so nice! :)

Eperfume said...

I once came across a blog which says something like this "a woman who wears no perfume has no future". I was struck by the message but there's a few truths to it. A woman may still have a future without a perfume but it's not as brighter as she wants it to be.

Unknown said...

Your blog is lovely dear!

kisses from Lima!